Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Summary Definition: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a comprehensive framework for ensuring equitable opportunities and a supportive environment for all employees.

What is DEI?

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) refers to a strategic framework used by organizations to create a fair, respectful, and supportive environment where everyone, regardless of their backgrounds, can thrive.

  • Diversity: Recognizing and appreciating demographic differences (e.g., race, gender, age, sexual orientation, etc.) in the workplace and the range of perspectives a diverse workforce can provide.
  • Equity: Ensuring fairness and achieving equal outcomes by distributing resources and opportunities to employees based on individual needs.
  • Inclusion: Fostering a workplace culture where all individuals are valued, respected, and empowered to contribute to the organization.

Organizational efforts can manifest in many ways, such as DEI training courses, a company DEI policy, and other DEI programs to raise awareness or promote advocacy.

DEI Variations

Over time, this framework has evolved to include additional values and create new, distinct frameworks.

EDIEquity, Diversity, and InclusionPrioritizing the equitable treatment of a workforce as much as its diversity to prevent hollow pandering or tokenism.
DEIADiversity, Equity, Inclusion, and AccessibilityAccepting and accommodating those with physical or mental disabilities.
DEIBDiversity, Equity, Inclusion, and BelongingNurturing a sense of community and affinity regardless of individual differences.
JEDIJustice, Equity, Diversity, and InclusionAddressing social issues and systemic barriers that hinder diversity or prevent fair access to professional opportunities.

Create a Culture of Belonging

Like most strategies, there’s no single formula for getting DEIA right. This toolkit sorts through the noise so you can plan and implement a powerful strategy that leads to increased productivity, faster innovation, and longer employee retention.


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